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🏆 ACB21 Best Session Award: And the Winner Is…

Congratulations to the Winners of the ACB21 Best Session Award! The competition was fierce, and the jury—aka you—has spoken! The first prize, a seat on one of my Professional Scrum training virtual live classes, is awarded to Andy Nguyen for his session Agile influence. The five annual SessionLab-Pro licenses go to: Axel Genz: How I…

The First Video of the ACB21 Is Online!

Check Out the Age-of-Product Youtube Channel for Videos of all Speaker Sessions We have started releasing the videos of the speaker sessions of the ACB21! The first video is by Jutta Eckstein and Maryse Meinen on “Real Cross-functional Teams for Creating real and better Products:” Learn more about Jutta’s and Maryse’ session here.