How can I keep up-to-date?
Our primary way of asynchronous communication is the weekly ACB21 newsletter that you receive. Unsubscribe at your own peril! (Just kidding, you need to read the newsletter; otherwise, you will be missing out.)
Should you have unsubscribed from the newsletter, you can resubscribe to ACB21 newsletter here. (The form is at the bottom of the page.)
For synchronous communication, we use the ACB21 Slack Channel. If you haven’t yet done so, please register for the channel via this form.
If you have any trouble, reach out to Stefan via info (at)
🏁 How Do You Navigate the ACB21 Zoom Session?
Navigating the Zoom session of the ACB21 is simple:
First of all, you need to register: Zoom registration for the ACB21, from May 27-29, 2021. Then open the Zoom session with the Zoom app—do not use a web browser! (Please note: Your Zoom app needs to be at least version 5.6.)
Check the Session Plan for an interesting topic. You will see that the Session plan provides a time slot and a track, for example, the CT codecentric Track. Once you are in the ACB21 Zoom session, open Breakout Rooms. There, you will find a list of breakout rooms, labeled according to the tracks of the Session Plan:
- CT codecentric Track
- LT Leanovate Track
- ST SessionLab Track
- SCT SpatialChat Track
- LOT LOVOO Track.
Additionally, each of these tracks has associated breakout rooms for group work. The session host will let you know when to use them. As an example, here are the associated breakout rooms for the CT codecentric track:
- CT B1
- CT B2
- CT B3
- CT B4
- CT B5.
If you like to attend a session, just move your mouse pointer over the respective breakout room session counter. Then, the number will turn into a button; just click “join,” and you are on your way to the right breakout room.

Where can learn more about the schedule of the Agile Camp Berlin 2021?
The ACB21 will take place from 1 pm CEST to 7 pm CEST. Use the time-zone converter if necessary.
The schedule of vACB21 looks as follows:
- May 20, 2021, from 4-6 pm CEST: Session planning. (Please suggest your sessions in advance, as we need to set up the event software accordingly.)
- May 27, 2021, from 1-7 pm CEST: Day 1 of the Agile Camp Berlin 2021.
- May 28, 2021, from 1-7 pm CEST: Day 2 of the Agile Camp Berlin 2021.
- May 29, 2021, from 1-5 pm CEST: Day 3 of the Agile Camp Berlin 2021.
- May 29, 2021, from 5-6 pm CEST: Retrospective of the virtual Agile Camp Berlin 2021.
Every day starts with a brief session planning. However, if you want to host a session, please attend the main session planning on May 20, 2021.
Find the complete Session plan here.
Where can I learn more about the ACB21 Live Stream schedule?
You can find the ACB21 Live Stream schedule on this page.
What technology do I need to participate in the Agile Camp Berlin 2021?
If you want to fully immerse yourself in the experience of the Agile Camp Berlin 2021, prepare yourself by:
- Downloading the Zoom client application, version 5.6 or above. (You would not be able to enjoy breakout rooms fully when using Zoom in a browser.)
- Update your Chrome or Firefox browser to the latest version.
Except for Zoom, where you need to download the Zoom app to fully participate in the ACB21, all other applications — Slack, Google Apps, Mural, Slack, Spatial.Chat, StreamYard, etc. — can be used with a browser. We do recommend to update either Chrome or Firefox to the latest versions.
Learn more: The Tech You Need to Enjoy the Agile Camp Berlin 2021.
How can I propose a session?
To propose a session in advance of the session planning of May 20, 2021, please use this session proposal form on the ACB21 website to submit your information.
You can see all proposed sessions on the Proposed Sessions page.
How can I add my attendee profile?
If you like to add a public attendee profile, please use this attendee profile form on the ACB21 website to submit your information.
You can see all attendee profiles on the ACB21 Attendees page.
Important Links for Attendees
📅 🖥 Virtual Agile Camp Berlin 2021 — May 27-29, 2021.
FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Agile Camp Berlin 2021.